Hi everybody,
I am writing this article with heavy heart, still comprehending unfortunate demise of a talented actor Sushant Singh Rajput.
A suicide..
I cannot get my mind around it because Sushant Singh was not only a good actor but also smart, kind human being.
‘Excellent’ can be the only adjective for his academic record.
A scholar who was AIR #7 in AIEEE.
His acting career is (was) nothing but spectacular. His early success in daily soaps like ‘Pavitra Rishta’, followed by his big screen success in movies like Dhoni’s biopic and Chhichhore.
At the age of young 34, Sushant Singh had everything a young man could dream of.
And still this is horrible news is as real as it could be.
Sushant Singh Rajput is just the latest name in the long list of artists ending their life too soon.
The issue I want to address is, depression, mental stress, anxiety among young people in today’s complicated times.
I hope every one of you have watched the movie JOKER. The Iconic performance by Joaquin Phoenix.
Some people absolutely loved that movie where as some found it unnecessarily negative.
I think we like the art which is personal and relatable to us.
That moment where Arthur tries to smile while a teardrops rolls down on his cheek,If you have felt resonance with what Arthur was feeling in that moment,I think depression has brushed you too someday.

The whole point of that movie was insanity Arthur, his pain, stress, depression and suicidal thoughts went unnoticed by everyone around him.
He did not go down that slope of self-destruction and madness overnight.
The pieces of breakdown were scattered all over the movie,
from his breaking of the glass his head to sitting inside a fridge, but nobody was there to pick up the pieces and hold him back together.
The world of Bollywood, as shiny and glittery it looks, has its toll on well-being of an artist. The whole industry works on lobbying, untruthfulness and on very shallow principles. This has been mentioned by many actors and actresses before as well. Sushant Singh Rajput, could just be our wonderboy who couldn’t take that anymore.
(I have watched a great YouTube video about this, which I will share with subscribers separately. )
Perhaps, Sushant Singh still could have been among us if there had been someone with whom he could have felt comfortable sharing his own vulnerability.
Today when the world is facing this unprecedented crisis of a pandemic, and everybody is home, unable to stay away from the thoughts they keep at bay, every day.
Not having that regular fun time, no Escape from reality, hits some people harder than they expect.
This is a time to go back the basics, understand importance of sharing the feelings.
I am no psychiatrist, but sharing this piece of advice from my own experience,
Please read them carefully.
1. Rule out the option of suicide.
2. Understand that whatever is causing you stress, depression, anxiety is not more important than your life itself.
3. Stop caring excessively about what other people think. Live your life your own way. Have no obligations.
4. If you are reading this, means you have a smartphone or a laptop, electricity, internet, and possibly your own or family’s shelter with a job.
This makes you already more fortunate than most of the global population. So stop with that downward spiral of suicidal thoughts and acknowledge how fortunate and privileged you are.
5. Somebody might be dying every day just to have a life which you are thinking of throwing away.
6. Have at least one person in your life with whom you can share what you are going through.
They won’t solve your problems but sharing them unburden you a little.. Trust me..
7. Your parents and life partners have invested their life in you. Be a good Lannister and pay your debt first.
Lastly, I am going to share what I always say to myself when I feel such extreme emotion.
“Coal and the diamond are both made of just Carbon.”
Your worth is determined by how you handle the pressure.
I always think myself as a Diamond, and so should you.
Let the life put pressure and fire,
we will shine even brighter..
~ Gaurav Pande
(Don’t forget to subscribe and please take care. <3 )
Survival of the fittest (by mind) !
Good one. Keep writing..
Thank you Nileshwari. 🙂
yes Indeed. Mental strength is very crucial on the path of success.
We are going to see spike in stress, anxiety and depression due to pandemic. I just hope people will take mental health seriously sooner.
Good one Bhai …all the points are very true and relatable to our precious life …
Keep writing bro…
Thank you very much Irfan. Stay safe, stay healthy. (both mentally and physically)
yes very nicely written 👍
Thank you very much Chandrika. We need to take care of people we love.
Don’t forget to subscribe and stay connected.
Please share it to maximum number of people. People do not understand the importance of life compared to pressure and depression. Even though a person is an adult or young or old, at times they forget what they have in their hand against what they are facing. Again and again, whenever we see any individual suffering from stress or pressure or any kind of such negative feelings, we should educate them.
Good one Gaurav. Keep writing and sharing…
Thanks a lot for sharing such detailed thoughts Ghanshyam.
Yes, taking care of each other is utmost important.
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Stay safe and Stay connected.
Absolutely there!!! Stressing about anything leads to an extreme emotion and can be one way ticket too. We need to teach this in schools and colleges that it’s okay to have a off day, failure, disappointment, wrong decision, wrong choice. That doesn’t end anything and certainly not the life.
Very nice new look of LM&L.
As of now almost everyone is facing more stress in life. The above thoughts must be implemented by each one.
Be positive & be safe.
Awesome! Being thankful about your blessings is one very important thing! Also perfectly summarized 👏
Good luck for many more writings!
Too good, keep writing!
Very good post, very relevant in this day and age where people are consumed by more things that harm than help!
It’s good you are sharing this, it may save a life. Depression and anxiety are very real and need to be handled with sensitivity. Good on you for taking time out to share.
खुप छान लिहील आहेस
आम्हा दोघांना आवडले .
तुझ्याकडे लेखनकला आहे.
लिहीत रहा .
खुप छान लिहील आहेस
आम्हा दोघांना आवडले .
तुझ्याकडे लेखनकला आहे.
लिहीत रहा .
Dear Gaurav
Good write up.
New generation should be able digest failures. Successes are very easy to digest. Failures are not taught in any educational stage.
I think, if he would have fought with situations. The time would have given a great success in future. He might have crossed the world best actor record.
Any way you nicely explained.
Everyone should take a lesson from it and learn to tackle the situation.
God bless you.
Sharad Manjire
Very neatly done-article.
You have nicely put together many facts related to topic and most importantly an advice that everyone should heed.
Keep it up.
Thank you very much Parag. 🙂
I Hope it reaches more people. Do share.
Stay connected.